Other Thoughts of the Week
- Va'Era - 5785
- Shemos - 5785
- Vayechi - 5785
- Vayigash - 5785
- Vayeishev - 5785
- Vayishlach - 5785
- Vayeira - 5785
- Lech Lecha - 5785
- Noach - 5785
- Yom Kippur - 5785
- Rosh Hashanah - 5785
- Ki Savo - 5784
- Ki Teitzei - 5784
- Shoftim - 5784
- Eikev - 5784
- Va'Eschanan - 5784
- Devarim - 5784
- Pinchas - 5784
- Balak - 5784
- Chukas - 5784
- Korach - 5784
- Shelach - 5784
- Behaloscha - 5784
- Shavuos - 5784
- Bechukosai - 5784
- Behar - 5784
- Emor - 5784
- Kedoshim - 5784
- Acharei-Mos - 5784
- Pesach - 5784
- Tazria - 5784
- Shemini - 5784
- Tzav - 5784
- Vayikra - 5724
- Pikudei - 5724
- Vayakheil - 5784
- Ki Sisa - 5784
- Tetzaveh - 5784
- Terumah - 5784
- Mishpatim - 5784
- Yisro - 5784
- Beshalach - 5784
- Bo - 5784
- Va'Era - 5784
- Shemos - 5784
- Vayechi - 5784
- Vayigash - 5784
- Mikeitz - 5784
- Vayeishev - 5784
- Vayishlach - 5784
- Toldos - 5784
- Chayei Sarah - 5784
- Vayeira - 5784
- Lech Lecha - 5784
- Noach - 5784
- Bereishis - 5784
- Yom Kippur - 5784
- Rosh HaShannah - 5784
- Nitzovi-Vayeilech - 5783
- Ki Savo - 5783
- Ki Seitzei - 5783
- Shoftim - 5783
- Re'Eh - 5783
- Eikev - 5783
- Va'Eschanan - 5783
- Devorim - 5783
- Matos-Maasei - 5783
- Pinchas - 5783
- Chukas-Balak - 5783
- Korach - 5783
- Shelach - 5783
- Beha'aloscha - 5783
- Naso - 5783
- Shavuous - 5783
- Bamidbar - 5783
- Emor - 5783
- Acharei Mos-Kedoshim - 5783
- Tazria-Metzora - 5783
- Pesach - 5783
- Vayikra - 5783
- Vayakheil-Pekudei - 5783
- Ki Sisa - 5783
- Tetzaveh - 5783
- Terumah - 5783
- Mishpatim - 5783
- Yisro - 5783
- Beshalach - 5783
- Bo - 5783
- Va'Era- 5783
- Shemos - 5783
- Vayechi - 5783
- Vayigash - 5783
- Vayeishev - 5783
- Vayishlach - 5783
- Vayeitzei - 5783
- Toldos - 5753
- Chayah Sarah - 5783
- Vayeira - 5783
- Lech Lecha - 5783
- Noach - 5783
- Haazinu - 5783
- Rosh Hashanah - 5783
- Ki Savo - 5782
- Ki Teitzei - 5782
- Shoftim - 5782
- Re'Eh - 5782
- Va'Eschanan - 5782
- Devorim - 5782
- Mattos-Maasei - 5782
- Pinchas - 5782
- Balak - 5782
- Chukas - 5782
- Korach - 5782
- Shelach - 5782
- Naso - 5782
- Bechukosai - 5782
- Behar - 5782
- Emor - 5782
- Kedoshim - 5782
- Acharei Mos - 5782
- Pesach - 5782
- Shabbos Hagodol - 5782
- Tazria - 5782
- Shemini - 5782
- Tsav - 5782
- Vayikra - 5782
- Pikudei - 5782
- Vayakheil - 5782
- Ki Sisa - 5782
- Tetzaveh - 5782
- Terumah - 5782
- Mishpatim - 5782
- Yisro - 5782
- Beshalach - 5782
- Bo- 5782
- Shemos - 5782
- Vayechi - 5782
- Vayigash - 5782
- Mikeitz - 5782
- Vayeishev - 5782
- Vayishlach - 5782
- Vayeitzei - 5782
- Toldos - 5782
- Chayei Sarah - 5782
- Vayeira - 5782
- Lech Lecha - 5782
- Noach - 5782
- Ha'Azinu - 5782
- Rosh Hashannah - 5782
- Ki Savo - 5781
- Ki Teitzei - 5781
- Shoftim - 5781
- Re'Eh - 5781
- Eikev - 5781
- Devorim - 5781
- Matos-Maasei - 5781
- Pinchas - 5781
- Balak - 5781
- Chukas - 5781
- Korach - 5781
- Shelach - 5781
- Baha'aloscha - 5781
- Naso - 5781
- Shavuous - 5781
- Behar-Bechukosai - 5781
- Emor - 5781
- Acharei Mos-Kedoshim - 5781
- Tazria-Metzorah - 5781
- Shemini - 5781
- Pesach - 5781
- Vayikra - 5781
- Vayakheil-Pekudei - 5781
- Ki Sisa - 5781
- Tetzaveh - 5781
- Terumah - 5781
- Mishpatim - 5781
- Yisro - 5781
- Beshalach - 5781
- Bo - 5781
- Va'Era - 5781
- Shemos - 5781
- Vayechi - 5781
- Vayigash - 5781
- Mikeitz - 5781
- Vayeishev - 5781
- Vayishlach - 5781
- Vayeitzei -5781
- Toldos - 5781
- Chayei Sarah - 5781
- Vayeira - 5781
- Lech Lecha - 5781
- Noach - 5781
- Bereishis - 5781
- Shabbos Teshuvah - 5781
- Rosh Hashannah - 5781
- Netzovim-Vayeilech - 5780
- Ki Savo - 5780
- Ki Teitzei - 5780
- Shoftim - 5780
- Re'Eh - 5780
- Eikev - 5780
- Va'Eschanan - 5780
- Devorim - 5780
- Matos-Maasei - 5780
- Pinchas - 5780
- Chukas-Balak - 5780
- Korach - 5780
- Shelach - 5780
- Naso - 5780
- Shavuous - 5780
- Bamidbar - 5780
- Behar-Bechukosai - 5780
- Emor - 5780
- Achareir Mos-Kedoshim - 5780
- Tazria-Metzorah - 5780
- Pesach - 5780
- Vayikra - 5780
- Vayakheil-Pekudei - 5780
- Ki Sisa - 5780
- Tetzaveh - 5780
- Terumah - 5780
- Mishpatim - 5780
- Yisro - 5780
- Beshalach - 5780
- Bo - 5780
- Va'Eira - 5780
- Shemos - 5780
- Vayechi - 5780
- Vayigash - 5780
- Chanukah - 5780
- Vayishlach - 5780
- Vayeitzei - 5880
- Toldos - 5780
- Chayei Sarah - 5780
- Vayeira - 5880
- Lech Lecha - 5780
- Noach - 5780
- Ha'azinu - 5780
- Rosh Hashannah - 5780
- Ki Savo - 5779
- Ki Seitzei - 5779
- Shoftim - 5779
- Re'Eh - 5779
- Eikev - 5779
- Va'Eschanan - 5779
- Devorim - 5779
- Matos-Maasei - 5779
- Pinchas - 5779
- Balak - 5779
- Chukas - 5779
- Shelach - Korach - 5779
- Baha'aloscha - 5779
- Naso - 5779
- Shavuos - 5779
- Bechukosai - 5779
- Behar - 5779
- Emor - 5779
- Kedoshim - 5779
- Acharei Mos - 5779
- Pesach - 5779
- Shabbos Hagodol - 5779
- Tazria - 5779
- Shemini - 5779
- Tzav - 5779
- Vayikra - 5779
- Pekudei - 5779
- Vayakheil - 5779
- Ki Sisa - 5779
- Tetzaveh - 5779
- Terumah - 5779
- Mishpatim - 5779
- Yisro - 5779
- Beshalach - 5779
- Bo - 5779
- Va'Era - 5779
- Vayigash - 5779
- Mikeitz - 5779
- Vayeishev - 5779
- Vayishlach - 5779
- Vayeitzei - 5779
- Toldos - 5779
- Chaya Sarah - 5779
- Vayeira - 5779
- Lech Lecha - 5779
- Noach - 5779
- Ha'azinu - 5779
- Rosh Hashannah - 5779
- Ki Savo - 5778
- Ki Teitzei - 5778
- Shoftim - 5778
- Re'Eh - 5778
- Eikev - 5778
- Devorim - 5778
- Matos-Maasei - 5778
- Pinchas - 5778
- Balak - 5778
- Chukas - 5778
- Korach - 5778
- Shelach - 5778
- Beha'aloscha - 5778
- Naso - 5778
- Shavuous - 5778
- Behar-Bechukosai - 5778
- Emor - 5778
- Acharei Mos/Kedoshim - 5778
- Tazria-Metzorah - 5778
- Shemini - 5778
- Pesach - 5778
- Tzav - Shabbos Hagodol - 5778
- Vayikra - 5778
- Vayakheil - Pekudei - 5778
- Ki Sisa - 5778
- Tetzaveh - 5778
- Terumah - 5778
- Mishpatim - 5778
- Yisro - 5778
- Bo - 5778
- Vaera - 5778
- Shemos - 5778
- Vayechi - 5778
- Vayigash - 5778
- Miketz - 5778
- Vayeishev - 5778
- Vayishlach - 5778
- Vayeitzei - 5778
- Toldos - 5778
- Chayei Sarah - 5778
- Vayeira - 5778
- Lech Lecha - 5778
- Noach - 5778
- Yom Kippur - 5778
- Rosh Hashannah - 5778
- Ki Savo - 5777
- Ki Teitzei - 5777
- Re'Eh - 5777
- Eikev - 5777
- Vaeschanan - 5777
- Devorim - 5777
- Pinchas - 5777
- Balak - 5777
- Chukas - 5777
- Korach - 5777
- Shelach - 5777
- Behaaloscha - 5777
- Shavuous - 5777
- Behar-Bechukosai - 5777
- Emor - 5777
- Acharei Mos-Kedoshim - 5777
- Tazria-Metzorah - 5777
- Shemini - 5777
- Pesach - 5777
- Vayikra - 5777
- Vayakheil-Pekudei - 5777
- Ki Sisa - 5777
- Purim - 5777
- Terumah - 5777
- Mishpatim - 5777
- Yisro - 5777
- Beshalach - 5777
- Bo - 5777
- Va'era - 5777
- Shemos - 5777
- Vayechi - 5777
- Vayigash - 5777
- Miketz - 5777
- Vayeishev - 5777
- Vayishlach - 5777
- Vayeitzei - 5777
- Toldos - 5777
- Chayei Sarah - 5777
- Vayeira - 5777
- Lech Lecha - 5777
- Noach - 5777
- Succos - 5777
- Rosh Hashannah - 5777
- KI Savo - 5776
- Ki Teitzei - 5776
- Shoftim - 5776
- Re'eh - 5776
- Eikev - 5776
- Va'Eschanan - 5776
- Devorim - 5776
- Matos-Maasei - 5776
- Pinchas - 5776
- Balak - 5776
- Chukas - 5776
- Shelach/Korach - 5776
- Beha'aloscha - 5776
- Naso - 5776
- Shavuous - 5776
- Bechukosai - 5776
- Behar - 5776
- Emor - 5776
- Kedoshim - 5776
- Achrei Mos - 5776
- Pesach - 5776
- Metzorah - 5776
- Tazria - 5776
- Shemini - 5776
- Tzav - 5776
- Vayikra - 5776
- Pikudei - 5776
- Vayakheil - 5776
- Ki Sisa - 5776
- Tetzaveh - 5776
- Terumah - 5776
- Mishpatim - 5776
- Yisro - 5776
- Beshalach - 5776
- Bo - 5776
- Vaera - 5776
- Shemos - 5776
- Vayechi - 5776
- Vayigash - 5776
- Mikeitz - 5776
- Vayeishev - 5776
- Vayishlach - 5776
- Vayeitzei - 5776
- Toldos - 5776
- Chaya Sarah - 5776
- Vayera - 5776
- Lech Lecha - 5776
- Noach - 5776
- Bereishis - 5776
- Sukkos - 5776
- Rosh Hashannah - 5776
- Ki Savo - 5775
- Ki Teitzei - 5775
- Re'eh - 5775
- Eikev - 5775
- Vaeschanan - 5775
- Devorim - 5775
- Matos-Maasei - 5775
- Pinchas - 5775
- Balak - 5775
- Chukas - 5775
- Korach - 5775
- Shelach - 5775
- Behaaloscha - 5775
- Naso - 5775
- Shavuos - 5775
- Behar - Bechoukosai - 5775
- Emor - 5775
- Achrei Mos - Kedoshim - 5775
- Tazria-Metzorah - 5775
- Shemini - 5775
- Pesach - 5775
- Tzav - Shabbos Hagodol - 5775
- Vayikra - 5775
- Vayakhel-Pekudei - 5775
- Ki Sisa - 5775
- Tetzaveh - 5775
- Terumah - 5775
- Mishpatim - 5775
- Yisro - 5775
- Beshalach - 5775
- Bo - 5775
- Vaera - 5775
- Shemos - 5775
- Vayigash/Vayechi - 5775
- Miketz - 5775
- Vayeishev - 5775
- Vayishlach - 5775
- Vayetze - 5775
- Toldos - 5775
- Chaya Sarah - 5775
- Noach - 5775
- Yom Kippur - 5775
- Rosh Hashana - 5775
- Ki Savo - 5774
- Ki Tetse - 5774
- Shoftim - 5774
- Re'eh - 5774
- Eikev - 5774
- Va'Eschanan - 5774
- Devorim - 5774
- Maasei - 5774
- Matos - 5774
- Pinchas - 5774
- Balak - 5774
- Chukas - 5774
- Korach - 5774
- Shelach - 5774
- Shavuot - 5774
- Bamidbar - 5774
- Bechukosai - 5774
- Behar - 5774
- Emor - 5774
- Kedoshim - 5774
- Pesach - 5774
- Metzorah - 5774
- Tazria - 5774
- Shemini - 5774
- Tzav - Zachor - 5774
- Vayikra - 5774
- Pekudei - Shekalim - 5774
- Vayakheil - 5774
- Tezaveh, Ki Sisa - 5774
- Terumah - 5774
- Mishpatim - 5774
- Yisro - 5774
- Beshalach - 5774
- Bo - 5774
- Vaeira - 5774
- Shemot - 5774
- Vayechi - 5774
- Vayigash - 5774
- Mikeitz - 5774
- Vayeishev - 5774
- Vayishlach - 5774
- Vayetze - 5774
- Chaya Sara - Toldot - 5774
- Vayera - 5774
- Lech Lecha - 5774
- Noach - 5774
- Yom Kippur - 5774
- Rosh Hashanah - 5774
- Ki Tavo - 5773
- Ki Tetze - 5773
- Shoftim - 5773
- Re'eh - 5773
- Ekev - 5773
- Vaeschanan - 5773
- Devorim - 5773
- Matos-Massei 5773
- Pinchas - 5773
- Balak - 5773
- Chukat - 5773
- Korach - 5773
- Shelach - 5773
- B'ha'aloscha -5773
- Bamidbar - Shavuot - 5773
- Behar-Bechukosai - 5773
- Emor - 5773
- Achrei-Kedoshim - 5773
- Tazria/Metzorah - 5773
- Pesach - 5773
- Vayikra - 5773
- Vayakheil - Pekudei - 5773
- Ki Tisa - 5773
- Purim - 5773
- Terumah - 5773
- Mishpatim - 5773
- Yitro - 5773
- Beshalach - 5773
- Bo - 5773
- Va'Era - 5773
- Shemot - 5773
- Vayigash-Vayechi - 5773
- Miketz - 5773
- Vayeshev - 5773
- Vayishlach - 5773
- Vayetzei - 5773
- Toldos - 5773
- Chaye Sarah - 5773
- Vayera - 5773
- Lech Lecha - 5773
- Noach - 5773
- Bereishis - 5773
- Succot - 5773
- Rosh Hashanah - 5772
- Ki Tavo - 5772
- Ki Tetze - 5772
- Shoftim - 5772
- Re'eh - 5772
- Ekev - 5772
- Vaetchanan - 5772
- Devorim - 5772
- Matos/Massei - 5772
- Pinchas - 5772
- Balak - 5772
- Chukat - 5772
- Korach - 5772
- Shelach - 5772
- Behalotcha - 5772
- Naso - 5772
- Bamidbar-Shavuot - 5772
- Behar-Bechukotai - 5772
- Emor - 5772
- Acharei-Kedoshim - 5772
- Tazria-Metzora - 5772
- Shemini - 5772
- Pesach - 5772
- Tzav - Shabbat Hagodol - 5772
- Vayikra - 5772
- Vayakheil-Pekudei - 5772
- Ki Tisah - 5772
- Tetzaveh - Purim - 5772
- Terumah - 5772
- Mishpatim - 5772
- Yitro - 5772
- Beshalach - 5772
- Bo - 5772
- Vaera - 5772
- Shemot - 5772
- Vayigash/Vayechi - 5772
- Miketz - 5772
- Vayeshev - 5772
- Vayishlach - 5772
- Vayeitze - 5772
- Toldot - 5772
- Chaye Sara - 5772
- Vayeira - 5772
- Lech Lecha - 5772
- Noach - 5772
- Succot - 5772
- Yomim Noraim - 5772
- Netzavim-Vayelech - 5771
- Ki Tavo - 5771
- Ki Tetze - 5771
- Shoftim - 5771
- Reeh - 5771
- Ekev - 5771
- Vaeschanan - 5771
- Devarim - 5771
- Massei - 5771
- Mattot - 5771
- Pinchas - 5771
- Balak - 5771
- Chukat - 5771
- Korach - 5771
- Shelach - 5771
- Shavuot - 5771
- Bamidbar - 5771
- Emor
- Tzav
- Chukas
Thought of the Week: Mishpatim - 5777
Although the Torah is not always recorded in a chronological order, nevertheless, we would expect to see a topic or story mentioned in the text, come to a conclusion before moving on to the next topic.
Yet, Pareshat Mishpatim, and it's description of the civil laws, is recorded in between two sections of the Torah that describe the events that occurred at Mount Sinai. In other words, the Torah, before completing the story of the revelation, moves on to the civil law, and then returns to the revelation at Sinai. Clearly, this is done to teach a message.
Commentators explain that while for other nations, justice is established for domestic tranquility and to promote the general welfare of a society, for the people of Israel it has a greater purpose as well. As a nation we need to be not only ethical, but also holy. However, holiness cannot be attained when ethics are ignored in the market place. Connecting to the creator begins with a proper attitude towards the commerce and market place interactions.
Thus, the Torah, in the middle of describing the magnificent events of the revelation, reminds the reader that the journey of spiritual growth begins in commerce and proper human contact with others.
Shabbat Shalom