Thought of the Week: Tzav - 5776


In Pareshat Tzav the Torah teaches that when a Kohen is inaugurated he is to bring a special offering of fine flour.  The Torah adds that the Kohen Gadol is to bring this offering every single day of his tenure.

It is natural for a Kohen to feel elated on the first day of a service in the Beit HaMikdash.  Thus the Torah wants his emotions of delight and appreciation to be expressed with this special offering.  However, the Kohen Gadol must be a person who is able to feel excited on a daily basis, even if that which he is doing is performed day in and day out.  Therefore, the daily offering of the Kohen Gadol is the exact same one as any Kohen would bring on day-one-of-the-job.

A person who values what they are doing can find excitement in his or her daily routine.  We must appreciate our privilege of serving Hashem and make every day as valuable as the first.

Shabbat Shalom